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Messages Synchronization
Save your LinkedIn Messages to your CRM (Pro Plan only)
How it works?
Where to configure the Messages Sync feature
Open the Options Page Visit the Options page. Locate the "Messages Autosaving Settings" Section Find the "Messages Autosaving Settings" section. Here, you can configure it per the CRM you use.
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How to Sync LinkedIn Messages (Pro Plan)
Sorry :( If configured correctly (learn where to configure here), the LinkedIn messages sync feature works during the profile creation process an
Common Errors
"No LinkedIn URL in CRM profile" error
This tutorial will guide you through resolving the "No LinkedIn URL in CRM profile" error. This error indicates that the LinkedIn URL is not saved in the CRM profile, and messages can only be synced once corrected. Error Screenshot Ensure the LinkedIn URL is mapped to the correct field in the Parsing Options of the Options page (https://linkm
If you cannot see the messages as Activities in HubSpot
If you configured LinkMatch for HubSpot Messages sync feature, and chose "Logged LinkedIn Messages" as an entity to save the messages: Please double-check your HubSpot "Filter Activity" section: Ensure you have "LinkedIn" checked (
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