Articles on: Navigate and configure LinkMatch

Text Template Strings Tutorial

Template Strings allow you to customise how data is entered into your CRM fields by adding predefined text and dynamic LinkedIn information. Here's how you can use it:

Customizing the Job Title Field
Suppose you have a Job Title field in your CRM. You want every job title entry to start with the phrase "This will be a job title:".

Setting Up the Template String
After pressing the "Map" button (blue arrow points at it), you can start entering the phrase (for example):
This will be a job title:

Press Enter to save it

As an alternative, you can also find the "Text" or the "Title (Current position)" field in the "LinkedIn Profile Fields" section and drag and drop it into the necessary CRM field. But the first way (mapping button) is much more straightforward.

Mapping the LinkedIn Field
Map the "Title (current position)" field from LinkedIn to the same CRM field.

Now, every time a profile is created, the Job Title field in your CRM will display:
This will be a job title: *LinkedIn Job Title*

This feature allows you to consistently format and customise the information saved into your CRM fields, making it more readable and organised.

Updated on: 09/08/2024

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